CHM. Omali Yeshitela_ If Jesus Was A Revolutionary, How Can Your Preacher Be Such An Uncle Tom, with A Haitian Revolution Introduction and Reading…more

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The Haitian Revolution

HAP 37 – Liberty, Equality, Humanity – The Haitian Revolution

Additional reading: “Revolution came to the French slaveholding colony of Saint Domingue in 1791. When the upheaval finally ran its course more than a decade later, in 1804, the landscape had been completely remade. In one fell swoop, the Haitian Revolution banished slavery, colonialism, and white supremacy, the three foundational institutions of the post-Columbian dispensation in the Americas.” From Haiti, I’m Sorry: The Haitian Revolution and the Forging of the Black International (Pg. 72), Michael O. West & William G. Martin, IN From Toussaint to Tupac_Black International since the Age of Revolution

Learn more in RBG Communiversity eLibrary| Haitian Revolution Folder