H. Rap Brown Breaks Down the Politics of America and Activist and musician Baba Bilal Sunni-Ali joins Grounding Podcast to discuss the current movement to free political prisoner Jamil Al-Amin.

H. Rap Brown (Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin)


Activist and musician Baba Bilal Sunni-Ali joins to discuss the current movement to free political prisoner Jamil Al-Amin.


Activist and musician Baba Bilal Sunni-Ali, of the Jamil Al-Amin Action Network, joins Groundings to discuss the life, legacy, and impact of current political prisoner Imam Jamil Al-Amin.

Formerly known as H. Rap Brown, Imam Jamil Al-Amin was once one of the Amerika’s most well-known Black revolutionary activists. A former member of SNCC, Jamil Al-Amin was framed for a crime in 2000, and despite a mountain of evidence showing his innocence, he’s sat as a political prisoner ever since. 

Baba Bilal Sunni-Ali discusses the legal matters related to Al-Amin’s case, the current movement to free him, and the impact he had on several communities, including Atlanta’s West End neighborhood. 

To get involved and support the campaign to free Imam Jamil Al-Amin, check out: www.imamjamilactionnetwork.org

Also, consider supporting the podcast at Patreon.com/Halfatlanta

SHOW CONTRIBUTORS: Baba Bilal Sunni-Ali, Jamil Al-Amin, Musa Springer.


Learn more in RBG Communiversity’s eLibrary PG-RNA, NAIM, , BLA, FROLINAN, GJU, Rebuild Collective Folder

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