Understanding The State_ Chairman Omali Yeshitela| A Multimedia Course of Study, with SUPPLEMENTAL

“What is the State? The State is this organized bureaucracy. It is the police department. It is the army, the navy. It is the prison system, the courts, and what have you. This is the State — it is a repressive organization.” Chairman Omali Yeshitela breaks down the colonial State. He shows us how and why the State is murdering our children and why we need Black Community Control of Police.

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Student’s Guide: The State


From Think RBG_Knowledge is Power Video Player

Understanding The State_ Chairman Omali Yeshitela Video|#Omali Taught Me

Understanding The State_ Omali and Hess PowerPoint Booklet for Read / Study / Download.

This is an Analysis on The State, U.S.-backed counterinsurgencies and successful resistance movements of oppressed, colonized people throughout history. This presentation is based on the political theory of the Uhuru Movement and was developed by Chairman Omali Yeshitela and Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee (APSC), white people organizing solidarity with the African liberation movement. APSC works under the leadership of the Uhuru Movement, led by the African People’s Socialist Party.


SUPPLEMENTAL: From Joe Waller to Omali Yeshitela_ How a Controversial Mural Changed a Man_Anita Richway Cutting Honors Thesis

Credit: Figure 13. Photo of George Snow Hill’s mural for St. Petersburg City Hall, “Picnicking at Pass-a-Grille.” His depiction of two black musicians as minstrels playing for a white gathering of picnic-goers set off a firestorm of controversy in 1966, and resulted in the mural’s destruction.

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Source: Joe Waller and a group of men in 1966, just before they were arrested for ripping down the mural which hung in St. Petersburg City Hall. [ JESSE MOORE | Times (1966) ]
From: Burning Spear_Junta of Militant Organizations, December 22, 1969. Vol. 1 No. 1, Inside RBG Communiversity eLibrary, Burning Spear Newspaper Collection.

Genocides (Past and Present) and Other Gross Human Rights Violations_Multimedia Education

Click for standalone poster.

Important Note: “Unlike most twentieth-century cases of premeditated mass killing, the African slave trade was not undertaken by a single political force or military entity during the course of a few months or years. The transatlantic slave trade lasted for 400 years, from the 1450s to the 1860s, as a series of exchanges of captives reaching from the interior of sub-Saharan Africa to final purchasers in the Americas. It has been estimated that in the Atlantic slave trade, up to 12 million Africans were loaded and transported across the ocean under dreadful conditions. About 2 million victims died on the Atlantic voyage (the dreaded “Middle Passage”) and in the first year in the Americas.” From pdf below.

18 Video Playlist

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Learn more in RBG Communiversity eLibrary | Genocides_Past and Present Folder

I.C.J. Ruling in South Africa vs Israel and Dr. Gerald Horne on the Historic Importance of the ICJ Decision on Israeli Genocide on Palestine and ICC and ICJ May 2024 Rulings

Updated 05-25-2024

Dr. Gerald Horne RBG Video Edu. Player (26 Vids)

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Gaza: World court orders Israel to halt military operations in Rafah | ICJ | United Nations

Description: May 24, 2024
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday issued new provisional measures that order Israel to immediately end military operations in Rafah in southern Gaza and to open the governate’s border crossing for urgent aid deliveries. This follows a request from South Africa in a pending case accusing Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention. Reading the new provisional measures in an open session at the court in The Hague, ICJ Justice Nawaf Salam announced that Israel must abide by its obligations under the Genocide Convention to “immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the Rafah governate which may inflict upon the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in whole and in part”. The court issued that decision by 13 votes in favour to two against. The new provisional measures came in response to South Africa’s request made on 10 May related to its initial accusations in December that Israel is violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention during the war in Gaza, which broke out after Hamas-led attacks on Israel in October that killed more than 1,200 people and left another 250 taken hostage. Israel’s military response has, to date, killed nearly 36,000 Palestinians and caused widespread destruction and a looming famine in the besieged and bombarded enclave. Read More: https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/05/…

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Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel)

ICC Prosecutor Khan on application for arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine

COMPANION POST/LESSONS: South Africa Files Case Against Israel at International Court of Justice_ A Multimedia Report

APSP Documentary_ ANRO First World Tribunal on Reparations for African People in the U.S. (1982)

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40th anniversary edition of the Report from the 1982 World Tribunal on Reparations to African People, including a foreword by Luwezi Kinshasa, additional testimonies and an epilogue by Chairman Omali Yeshitela.

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Learn more in RBG Communiversity eLibrary| Chm. Omali and Uhuru Movement Folder

ANRO Tribunal Coverage_Burning Spear Folder