The New Scramble for Africa (2 eBooks) _Featuring Prof. P.L.O. Lumumba | A discussion on foreign interference in Africa

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RBG’s PLO Lumumba Video Education on Africa Player (26 Videos)

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The above graphic is from a full lesson (Book Ch.) on the original Scramble for Africa.pdf read/study/download

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The above graphic is from a full lesson (Book Ch.) on the original Scramble for Africa.pdf read/study/download

Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in Historical Context (Comprehensive Multimedia Education)

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The current conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has deep historical roots, with European colonialism playing a significant role in shaping the country’s present-day condition and future trajectory. What follows is a comprehensive video education presentation and scholarly article (Understanding the Conflict in Congo) with a view towards elucidating the issues in their proper histropolitical and socioeconomic contexts. To learn more visit RBG Communiversity eLibrary| Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)_Scholarly Articles and Reports Folder

Colonial Era (late 19th – mid-20th century): The Congo was colonized by Belgium under the rule of King Leopold II, who claimed the territory as his personal property. Under his brutal regime, millions of Congolese were subjected to forced labor, violence, and exploitation in the extraction of rubber and other natural resources. This period left a legacy of deep-seated resentment and social disruption that persists to this day.

14 Video Playlist

Independence and Post-Colonial Struggles (1960s-1990s): The Congo gained independence from Belgium in 1960, but its transition to self-governance was fraught with challenges. Political instability, corruption, and ethnic tensions plagued the newly formed nation. Patrice Lumumba, the Congo’s first democratically elected leader, was overthrown in a coup supported by Western powers due to his nationalist and anti-colonial stance. This ushered in decades of dictatorship under Mobutu Sese Seko, during which the country’s resources were plundered, infrastructure deteriorated, and authoritarianism reigned.

9 Video Playlist

First and Second Congo Wars (1996-2003): The fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War destabilized many African nations, including the Congo. Ethnic rivalries, economic collapse, and the spillover of conflicts from neighboring countries fueled two devastating wars in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. These wars involved multiple armed groups, neighboring countries, and international actors vying for control over the Congo’s vast mineral wealth, including gold, diamonds, coltan, and cobalt. The exploitation of these resources financed the conflict and exacerbated human rights abuses, including widespread rape, displacement, and recruitment of child soldiers.

10 Video Playlist

Current Conflict: Despite the official end of the Second Congo War in 2003 and subsequent attempts at peacebuilding and democratic transition, the DRC continues to grapple with insecurity, violence, and political instability. Numerous armed groups, both domestic and foreign, still operate in the eastern regions of the country, perpetuating cycles of violence and displacement. Issues such as weak governance, ethnic tensions, competition over land and resources, and the legacy of historical grievances contribute to the persistence of conflict.

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Understanding the Conflict in Congo

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SUPPLEMENTAL: King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa by Adam Hochschild, Geoffrey Howard, et al. (1999)

From Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)_Comprehensive Articles and Reports Folder

Remembering the 1967 Newark, N.J. Rebellion (Home when I was 9 years old.)

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The 1967 Newark, N.J. Rebellion in Photos

Historical Racism, Discrimination and Colonization: Newark Rebellion of 1967

Learn more in RBG Communiversity eLibrary | NEWARK UPRISING OF 1967 Folder

#OmaliTaughtMe Sunday Study: The Black Vote and the Crisis of U.S. Elections

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Black is Back 8th Electoral Campaign School Live! (April 13 and 14, 2024)

Chairman Omali Yeshitela opens the 8th Annual Electoral Campaign School – April 13, 2024


Chairman Omali Yeshitela opens the program for the 8th Annual Black is Back Coalition Electoral Campaign School held live on April 13, 2024. Learn more about the BlBC here: