The West and the Rest of Us_ White Predators, Black Slavers and the African Elite, by Chinweizu (eBook) w Video Education by the Author

“To the memory of all the victims of the West’s assault upon the rest of us, and of the following especially: The Amerindians and the Aborigines of Australasia­ who were exterminated and expropriated; The millions of Africans who were enslaved in the Americas; The countless Africans who died resisting European invasion and occupation of their homeland; The soldiers from the Third World-who were conscripted to fight and die defending the very western empire that victimized them;  To all Third World liberation fighters and martyrs who have struggled or died for a better future for their peoples; To the people of the West, to the extent that they refuse to tolerate western control over the rest of us; and To all of us, that we may achieve a just, non-imperialist and enduring peace, with prosperity for all humankind.” (pg. vii)

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Colonialism: Arab & European compared Black Power Pan Africanism (BPPA) Tract #3 By Chinweizu, 2007