Haki Madhubuti, aka Don L. Lee, presents his book, Taught By Women: Poems as Resistance Language: New and Selected_Sankofa Video & Books Interview, INTRO Walk the Way of the New World: Haki R. Madhubuti & Nation

Updated June 1, 2024

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RBG| Walk the Way of the New World: Haki R. Madhubuti & Nation

In these new and selected poems Madhubuti, formerly Don L. Lee, poet, publisher, editor, and activist, places us in lyrical proximity to a legacy of women whose lives he honors with heart warm verses and timeless reverence. Each poem is a vivid portraiture of the “magnificent energy” emanating from a rainbow of Black women. In this mosaic collection of poetry, Madhubuti celebrates the luminous spirits of women whose visible ‘greatness’ has left an indelible mark on his life’s work. In Taught By Women, Madhubuti sings their struggles and praises with pitch perfect precision, every note— an empowering song and unforgettable melody. From Third World Press Foundation & Bookstore

Slideshow images from TWP

The Corbett Report – Episode 441 – Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare and A Supplemental on Transhumanism

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SUPPLEMENTAL: Joe Allen: Dark Aeon, Transhumanism, & Idiocracy Run by Algorithms!

From the description: In this podcast Joe Allen discusses the age of intelligent machines and all things transhumanism, which is a new heterodox religion steeped in Gnosticism that has crept into government and major corporations seeking to create Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) or god on earth and a transcendent realm to escape into. We discuss DARPA, brain-computer interfaces (BCI), the goal to meld the brain with computers systems, and how transgenderism is a slippery slope toward transhumanism.  The danger with this movement is it’s goal of creating a totalizing technology which would lead to a dystopian society or an ideocracy run by algorithms! (The discussion starts at 2 mins in.)

“Note the parallels and relationships to the 5GW discussion above.  (We go from war on and in the mind to altering, charging and reconfiguring the brain’s wiring with computer technology=hybrid humans). Most definitely a culling process, in my opinion.”

Learn more:  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency —> DARPA and the Brain Initiative